Charism & Vision

In our fast-paced world, more women are experiencing a desire for tangible connection, for conversation, for personal and spiritual accompaniment….Women need to deeply engage with others, become empowered by faith, and find their place on ‘God’s rich tapestry of life. Sally Hood, CWN Coordinator

Catholic Women’s Network is a ministry of the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation within the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. We see to inspire and connect Catholic women as a part of the mission to ‘Go make Disciples’. We are supported by the Life, Marriage and Family Office.

Catholic Women’s Network (CWN) exists to support Catholic women in Sydney and beyond in living faith-filled lives and making an impact in the wider community. Inspired and shaped by this faith, the Network seeks to connect individual women to each other and existing women’s ministries. CWN also seeks to support and enrich Catholic women by creating new opportunities, programs and initiatives.

Through the influence and example of the women connected to the network, CWN will proclaim Christ in all things and bear the Church’s eternal message of Truth.

Catholic Women’s Network’s (CWN) mission is to help Catholic women live out St Catherine of Siena’s call to “be who God created you to be and you will set the world on fire”. Drawing from the inspiration of Venerable Catherine McAuley, our framework aims to foster a congruence of heart and purpose, helping to “fit women for earth without unfitting them for heaven”. We do this by helping to equip women to live fruitful lives, encouraging the development of their individual gifts, as well as those of the ‘feminine genius’ – receptivity, sensitivity, generosity, and maternity.

Our aim is to encourage Catholic women to live with their feet firmly in the world but to have their eyes fixed on heaven, taking inspiration from the call to mission in John 17:16-18: “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”

We also take inspiration from the words of St Teresa of Avila and encourage the development of gifts and talents to enable women to be God’s hands and feet, “Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

Catholic Women’s Network is:

  • Authentically and obediently Catholic
  • Feminine
  • Vocations focused (gifts and pathways)
  • Accessible/approachable/down to earth