
Catholic Women’s Network (CWN) is the newly envisioned ministry that has come from the roots of Catholic Women’s Mentoring (CWM).

CWM was launched in 2017 in North Sydney by Christine Pace and Sally Hood as a result of their time in the 2-year Young Catholic Women’s Interfaith Fellowship with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference ‘Office for the Participation of Women’. In its 3 years, CWM successfully launched in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth, and hosted or co-hosted events in Adelaide and Brisbane resulting in over 250 women signing up as mentors or mentees.

During this time, CWM focused on events to bring Catholic women together providing opportunities for networking and formation as well as offering a mentoring program.

By 2021, CWM was looking for a new home, and the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation expressed interest in bringing the work of CWM into their mission. In March 2022, CWM evolved to the Catholic Women’s Network – connecting and supporting Catholic women across the Archdiocese of Sydney and surrounds.