Arise Womens’ Day Retreat

Saturday 16th September 2023

8:30am – 8:30pm

St Finbar’s Parish, Glenbrook

Click here to book: Arise Women’s Day Retreat Tickets, St Finbars Parish, Glenbrook | TryBooking Australia

Women today have never had so much freedom, independence and opportunity, however they have never felt so alone and dissatisfied. 

We live in a busy, loud and ever changing world where so many voices are competing for our attention. The loudest voices are the ones that are telling us we are not good enough, we don’t measure up, we’re too much. These voices are so loud that we often can’t hear the only voice that really matters. That small, still voice that calls us by our name, the voice that calls us BELOVED.  

So in response to this I have created a beautiful day of reflection, inspiration and encounter with the lover of our soul- Jesus Christ at this years Women’s Retreat themed ARISE- Talitha Koum- Little girl I say ARISE. 

The women of Sydney and beyond, over the age of 18 are invited to come to the ARISE Retreat where they are given the opportunity to take time out from the busy world to still their body, mind and heart so as to connect with other women and receive the loving gaze of the Father who loves them.

The Arise Retreat is a place where every woman can come to know their fundamental identity as a beloved daughter of God who truly sees them, knows them and loves them.

These retreats are an incredible avenue for grace and healing for women of all ages and stages along their faith journey.  There is something for everyone; from Holy Mass, meditation, talks, praise and worship, confession, creative expression, accompaniment, spiritual direction and healing Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction.

It will run from 8:30 am- 8:30 pm on  16th September at St Finbar’s Parish, Glenbrook. All meals are included.

There will be four Talks, all centered around the underlying theme ‘ARISE’.

We will be having mass, access to confession, praise and worship, quiet prayer, guided prayer, making new friendships and connecting over meals , stalls to buy Catholic merchandise and even a creative session where the women write a letter to someone they love and make a wax seal to post it.

The end of these retreats are the most beautiful and the thing that sets them apart. It is the hour to hour and a half of Eucharistic Healing Adoration, when Our Lord, in the Blessed Sacrament is processed throughout the church and stands before every single woman. This holy encounter is incredibly profound and powerful; as we become the hemorrhaging woman(LK 8:43-48),  reaching out for Jesus to heal us.