At Home in the Heart

November 26 – December 3

St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills NSW

Cost: $750

It is wise now and again to tune into your heart and listen for what it carries.
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding. The power of the heart’s attitude is expressed beautifully in Scripture: Where your treasure is, there your heart is also (Matt 6:21) The heart is beautiful precisely because it is where God dwells: the heart is the divine sanctuary. (Adapted
from John O’Donahue, Benedictus. PP116,121)
At home in the Heart retreat is an invitation to rest in God’s presence and discover your own inner truths and wisdoms. Come and see how Wisdom (Sophia) is present in your life. Through scripture, music, poetry, movement, silence and every other creative dimension, your heart awaits your coming home.
Guided: Therese Carroll rsj

For more information visit

Contact Information:

St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills
Telephone: 02 9634 2317 Fax: 02 9899 4249
33 Barina Downs Road, Norwest NSW 2153
PO Box 7386 Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153
Email: [email protected]